The Elisa technique adopted provides accurate hormone assay and drug assay the machine used for the technique is Elisa-fully automated Diagnova Ranbaxy.
Preparations Prior To Check-Up :
For most of the tests overnight fasting is required.
For lipid profile blood test 12 – 14 hours of strict fasting is required.
For some of the tests, dietary restrictions are to be followed which needs to be confirmed at the time of appointment.
24 hours urine collection procedure is to be followed the details of which are to be confirmed prior to the test at the time of the appointment.
For stool examination, it’s not necessary to have a sterile container. However, a container can be collected from our pathology lab for those who wish to do so.
It is also necessary to bring along reports of previous tests done.
Abstinence from Alcohol smoking is a must 12 hours prior to the check-up.